
Wheel Kit InstalJation
Start by installing the
rubber floor mounts
onto the support leg
as shown,
Note: The leg should
be installed on the
same side as the pull
Here is the hardware required to install
the support leg, Placea block of wood
under the generator so that you don't
have to hold it up while trying to install
the leg, Placethe support leg underthe
frame, Push the bolt through the frame and
thru the leg, Thread a nut onto the bolt,
Tighten with a wrench.
This is what the leg
looks like when it is
Slide the wheels
onto the axle,
Place a washer
over the wheel
The wheels should be installed on the
side opposite to the handle, Place a
block of wood under the generator so
that you don't have to hold it up while
trying to install the axle, Place the axle
mount brackets. Thread two bolts through
the frame and through the axle mounting
plates. Thread a nut onto the bolt and
tighten, Push the axle shaft into the axle
mount bracket, Then push the cotter pin
through the axle and bend it backwards as
Push the cotter pin through the axle and
bend it backwards as shown
Your generator is now mobile. Enjoy!
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