User Manual

NUMA ORGAN 2 by Studiologic®
Acoustic & Electronic Organ Sounds
This sound model allows to create sounds with a classical timbre,
thanks to its harmonic spectrum that emulates the typical timbre of
the main Principal-diapason pipes; the option to store all the eects
in each Preset allows to adapt these controls to this sound, that nor-
mally is associated with a noticeable Reverb and zero Drive/Click/
Leakage levels.
Many sounds of vintage Electronic Organs were based on simple
tone generators creating Square waves (with odd harmonics only)
summed and ltered in various ways; this model creates a mellow
square wave with a very typical clarinet-like sound, smoothed to be
summed in any drawbars settings.
This model recreates the typical sound of the most famous vintage
electronic organ, played by leading bands, that was controlled by
drawbars almost like the tone wheel organs (with a dierent setup).
Classic Organ Diapason
Electronic Analog
Organ Model D
Electronic Analog
Organ Model V