
Table Of Contents
Writing the NetWare logon script
Use the following sample logon script and deployment batch file to roll out
pcAnywhere. The script creates the appropriate drive mappings to the local
workstation and launches the deployment batch file. The batch file installs the
pcAnywhere package and removes the installation files when complete.
The following examples assume default installation folders. Modify them, as
necessary, to work in your particular environment.
NetWare logon script
REM ***** Default mappings *****
MAP *1:=SYS:
REM ***** Maps a drive to the network share *****
REM ***** Launches the deployment batch file *****
#Cmd /c z:\deploy.bat
Deployment batch file
@echo off
REM ***** Package Variable -- Change to name of pcA Package *****
Set Package=Package.MSI
REM ***** EXE or MSI Variable -- Change to package type (MSI or EXE)
Set PkgType=MSI
REM ***** Checks for pcA in default folder *****
If exist c:\progra~1\Symant~1\pcanyw~1\anywhere.bin GOTO End
59Deploying Symantec pcAnywhere custom installations
Using NetWare logon scripts