Installation Guide

Mistakes can cost money. Measure your job carefully. If you have many curves and irregular
shapes, we recommend adding 10- 20% more turf than your area’s actual square footage. When
designing, keep in mind the turf comes in 15foot wide sections. The turf is sold in 15’ widths by
whatever linear feet you order (example 15’ x 20’). Use graph paper or a sketchpad to draw out
the area and record all measurements. Be sure to note the grain direction on your drawing.
When designing, always keep the grain direction the same and try to face it toward the direction it
will be seen most often. Sometimes you will need to lay the turf in a direction that isn’t best, but it
may make sense to eliminate unnecessary waste. We suggest you measure as close to exact
numbers as possible rather than estimating by total square footage.
In high traffic paths, we recommend installing a pathway of stepping stone or pavers. This will help
prevent the turf from matting down and the need for more frequent maintenance.
Note: Like other textile products, artificial grass has a grain direction. It is important to remember to
keep the same grain direction for all pieces installed in the same area.
Suggested tools: measuring wheel, tape measure, marking paint, sketchpad or iPad
Calculations: (measure in 15’ wide sections when
Area 1: length (at longest point) x width = __________
Area 2: length x width = __________
Area 3: length x width = __________
Area 1+Area 2+ Area 3 = __________ total sq. ft.
Total sq. ft. / 15 = __________ total linear feet needed
Order turf as 15’ x __________ (total from above)