User Guide

4.4 SensorNoticationRules
1. EDGE Insights allows you to notify a group of contacts based on an uploaded sensor value.
2. To do this you will first have to add a contact to EDGE Insights, click ‘Settings followed by ‘NoticationContacts’
at the top of the screen.
3. A page listing all the contacts associated with your account will appear, this will be empty if no contacts have been
added. Click the Add New Contact’ button.
4. On the next screen, enter the name and email address of the contact you want to notify, then click Submit’.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 multiple times to add multiple contacts, regardless of whether or not they are EDGE Insights
6. Aer adding all the contacts you wish to notify, click ‘Settings’ followed by ‘NoticationGroups. This will display a
list of your notification groups, which will be empty initially.