- TC Electronic SDN BHD PowerCore Product Manual

Sets the Output level. Make sure you set the OUTPUT LEVEL properly, i.e. make sure
there are no clips displayed in the OUTPUT METERS.
Output-Clips are only displayed, if DIGITAL CEILING is set to 0 dB.
Here you set the crossover frequencies
and compressor gains for the 3 bands.
You could adjust the crossovers by
clicking/holding in the numerical fields
and moving the mouse to left/right. A
third possibility is to click into one of
the three blocks and move the mouse
to left/right.
These PPM meters (Peak Program Meters) include a very accurate
Peak Hold function. Set your levels as close to 0 dB as possible,
without distorting the signal. The numerical peak display gives
you the exact reading you require for that.
Clicking on the meters will bring up a pop-up display with a
variety of meters options.
MMeetteerr ZZoooomm
By clicking on the magnifying glass the meter range will change
from -60 dB / 0 dB to -18 dB to 0 dB
The minimal bandwidth of a band is 2 octaves. The gains are adjusted by clicking
into one of the 3 blocks and simultaneously moving the mouse up or down.The
exact gain is displayed numerically right above the block.
Holding [Shift] while dragging, will allow for simultaneous level editing when
moving the mouse up or down.
Holding the [Option] key while clicking on a band block, will reset its gain value to
0 dB.
Holding the [Option] key while clicking on the background, will reset all bands.
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These displays give you a visual
feedback on the dynamics processing
applied to each band. Clicking on the
display will activate the SOLO function,
clicking again will deactivate it again.
The LEDs below the display show if the bands Expander or Limiter section are
active. The Gain Reduction Meter displays how much the compressor is working on
the signal.
Adjust the signal so you leave the smallest possible headroom and get the compressor
working. The separate faders for left and right channel assist you
fixing level differences between the channels.
To ungroup the faders, hold the <SHIFT> key on your
computer keyboard while moving a channel fader.
CCoonnsseeccuuttiivvee CClliippppiinnggss
The CONSECUTIVE CLIPPINGS display is a highly accurate tool which will display any and
all clips in your material. The numerical reading even counts single clips. The meters give
you an additional visual feedback after the 3rd consecutive clip.
Like in the METERS display, clicking on the clipping meters will bring up a menu with a
variety of options.