How to Guide

DesignColor Grout
Physical Properties
Physical State
Dry Powder
Base White; Cups - Colors
Pot Life
1 to 2 hour
Initial Cure [at 72ºF (22ºC)
24 hours
Final Cure
21 days
Foot Traffic Rating (ASTM C627
Residential to Extra Heavy
5. Installation Instructions
Surface Preparation
Proper preparation of the tile and joint surfaces is important and will
help promote a quality installation. The joints between the tiles
should be free from foreign materials, and be at least 2⁄3 of the
thickness of the tile in depth. High ridges of adhesive or mortar
should be raked out. Rubber or plastic tile spacers, if used, should
be removed prior to grouting. Tiles should be held firmly in place
according to manufacturer’s instructions before grouting.
When DesignColor™ Grout is mixed with water and used under dry
or hot conditions, the tile should be dampened with a wet sponge
prior to grouting. Avoid any accumulation of water in joints.
Due to rough surface texture or high porosity, some tiles require
sealing prior to grouting. Consult the tile manufacturer’s/fabricator’s
literature for advice regarding this point. HBF-CP recommends the
use of a tile presealer for protecting your tile or stone from grout
staining during installation.
Notes: Certain tile surfaces, including polished marble, glass, or
metal tile can be scratched, stained or damaged when grouted with
sanded/colored grout. Follow tile manufacturer / fabricator
recommendations or test a small area prior to use to determine
suitability. Use of TEC® Skill Set Unsanded Grout may be
appropriate for many tiles not suitable for use with sanded grout.
For industrial and commercial installations where chemical
resistance is required, use an epoxy grout in accordance with ANSI
A118.3 recommendations.
Mixing With Water
For best results, maintain all tiling materials, substrates, room and
adhesives at 50º-70ºF (10º-21ºC) for 24 hours before and 48 hours
after installation. Add water to clean mixing container as specified in
the chart below:
DesignColor Grout
12.5 lbs.
1.25 1.5 qts.
Stir in contents from 2 color mix jars using a paint stick or like tool.
Stir for 10 seconds. Add Grout Base to color mixed water. Mix with
drill on low speed (300 rpm). Mix well for a minimum of 2 minutes.
Avoid breathing dust and contact with eyes and skin. Allow mixture
to “slake” (sit in the container) for 10 minutes. Slaking allows the
water, Portland cement and other ingredients to react properly.
Remix for 1-2 minutes before using. The working time (pot life) when
mixed this way is approximately 1-2 hours. If grout stiffens up during
use, re-mix for 1 minute to return to normal consistency. Do not add
additional water.
Mixing with Grout Boost®
For exterior or other applications subjected to freeze/thaw
conditions or other ANSI A118.7 applications, use Grout Boost®
in place of water where increased flexibility is desired or high water
resistance is required.
Fully pack the joints between the tiles by spreading DesignColor
Grout with a clean, hard rubber float. Work only a small area at one
time [5-10 sq. ft.]. Apply in a diagonal direction across the joint lines
to prevent the grout from being dragged out of the joints. Go over
each area several times from all directions to make sure that the
grout is fully packed in. Remove any excess grout from the surface
of the tile by holding the float at a 90º angle to the surface and
moving it diagonally across the joints. Repeat the entire process
until all joints are grouted.
Clean Up
Allow the grout to firm up in the joints, 15-30 minutes for grout mixed
with water. Lightly touch grout with your finger after 15-30 minutes.
Grout should be firm, not soft. If no residue transfers to your finger,
grout is ready to be cleaned. Wet a grout sponge in a pail containing
cool, clean water and wring out all excess liquid. Move the
dampened sponge across the tiles diagonally to smooth the grout
down to the proper height for the joint. Continue this procedure,
repeatedly rinsing the sponge in clean water (changing out the dirty
rinse water with clean water as needed) and wringing out excess
liquid. Do not allow excess cleaning water to remain on the surface
of the grout joint. Allow the grout to dry an additional hour before
removing any remaining grout residue with a dampened terrycloth
towel. For removing any remaining grout residue, contact HBF-CP
technical support.
Protect the finished installation from traffic or impact for at least 24
hours; from water immersion or freezing for at least 72 hours. The
use of Grout Boost® requires a minimum of 3 days to cure, prior to
getting wet. No sealer required if mixed with Grout Boost®. If grout
has not been mixed with Grout Boost®, sealing is recommended.
Consult sealer directions for proper application.