User manual

6. Operate on the device via APP (My Fitness)
Press the Stop/Start button as the power on (BLUE indictor is turned on). The pump
begins to inflate the cuff. After automatically reaching an individual pressure, the pump
stops and the pressure slowly falls, until the measurement finish, the assessment result will
be voice out, and the assessment indicator will turn to different colors accordingly.
6.1. Operate via APP on your Smartphone
Refer to the below pictures which discribe how to remote control on the APP.
First step: Install the APP (My Fitness) from Google Play Store
or Apple APP Store
Third step: Choose the Technaxx
blood pressure monitor: The APP
will enter into the interface with
different Technaxx devices. Choose
the Technaxx BP monitors as shown
in the picture.
Second step: Turn on the APP. The
main display interface of the My
Fitness will show up.