Operation Manual

Handleiding Internet van Ziggo 46
This page allows you to specify up to rules. For example, to specify that
outsiders should have access to an FTP server you have running at,
create a rule with that address and Start Port =20 and End Port =21 (FTP port
ranges) and Protocol = TCP (FTP runs over TCP and the other transport
protocol, UDP), and click Apply. This will cause inbound packets that match to
be forwarded to that PC rather than blocked. As these connections are not
tracked, no entry is made for them in the Connection Table. The same IP
address can be entered multiple times with different ports.
4.4.6 Port Triggers
Some Internet activities, such as interactive gaming, require that a PC on the
WAN side of your gateway be able to originate connections during the game
with your game playing PC on the LAN side. You could use the Advanced-
Forwarding web page to construct a forwarding rule during the game, and then
remove it afterwards (to restore full protection to your LAN PC) to facilitate this.
Port triggering is an elegant mechanism that does this work for you, each time
you play the game.
figure 35: Gateway\Advanced\Port Triggers