Operation Manual

Handleiding Internet van Ziggo 49
4.4.8 RIP (Routing Information Protocol) Setup
This feature enables the gateway to be used in small business situations where
more than one LAN (local area network) is installed. The RIP protocol provides
the gateway a means to “advertise” available IP routes to these LANs to your
cable operator, so packets can be routed properly in this situation.
Your cable operator will advise you during installation if any setting changes are
required here.
figure 38: Gateway\Advanced\RIP Setup
4.5 Gateway – Firewall Web Page Group
4.5.1 Web Content Filtering
These pages allow you to enable, disable, and configure a variety of firewall
features associated with web browsing, which uses the HTTP protocol and
transports HTML web pages. On these pages, you designate the gateway packet
types you want to have forwarded or blocked. You can activate settings by
checking them and clicking Apply.
The web-related filtering features you can activate from the Web Content Filter
page include Filter Proxy, Filter Cookies, Filter Java Applets, Filter ActiveX, Filter
Popup Windows, and Firewall Protection.