Extra Information

Bike, Recline, Synchro - Advanced LED display
Workouts with the TGS key
The TGS key reading device is optional.
The TGS key does away with the need to enter your personal data and workout parameters each time you exercise,
as all this information is saved in its memory. To start the exercise just slip the TGS key into its port; the display
shows the user name, followed by the type of exercise specied in the workout program.
For example if a single-step GOAL exercise is specied, the goal value (a distance of 30 km) is given and the eort level.
If a multiple-step CPR exercise is specied, the type of goal (calories) is given and then, at the start of each step, the goal (60 calories) and target heart rate
(135 beats per minute) values.
After the rst message you can start the workout; the equipment behaves exactly as if the exercise had been set on the control panel.
At the end of the exercise, either a message appears saying that that was the last of the set of exercises stored on the TGS key, or another exercise follows.