Operation Manual

Copyright © 2006 Texas Instruments Incorporated 20
The result is 39 degrees, 26 minutes and 23 seconds.
³ Problem
It is known that 30¡ = p / 6 radians. In the default mode,
degrees, find the sine of 30
¡. Then set the calculator to radian
mode and calculate the sine of
p / 6 radians.
Note: Press - to clear the screen between problems.
Retain radian mode on the calculator and calculate the sine of
¡. Change the calculator to degree mode and find the sine
p / 6 radians.
Rectangular to polar
%I displays a menu to convert rectangular
coordinates (x,y) to polar coordinates (r,
q) or vice versa. Set
Angle mode, as necessary, before starting calculations.
%I 6 <
-> 30 E<
p"<- > g q 6 "
> 30 %I <E<
> g q 6 " % I 4
E <