Recipes for Steam Cooking

seafood dishes
8 spring onions
8 Chinese dried mushrooms,
e.g. shiitake mushrooms
1 piece root ginger, approx. 1½ inch
3 garlic cloves
2 handfuls of glass noodles, cooked
2 – 2½ lbs. sea bass or grouper,
pan-ready, gutted whole sh
2 tbsp. peanut oil
4 tbsp. soy sauce or sh sauce
1 – 2 tsp. sugar
4 tbsp. rice wine or dry sherry
Spring Onions
STEAM, 210°– 212ºF
1 – 2 minutes
Perforated + Baking Pan
STEAM, 210°– 212ºF
20 – 25 minutes
Wash the spring onions and chop into ne strips. Put half of the spring onions in the perfo-
rated pan. Blanch as indicated and set aside.
Place the mushrooms in a dish, pour over boiling water and leave to soak for 15 minutes.
Remove from water, pat dry with paper towels and chop nely. Chop the mushrooms. Peel
the ginger and cut into very thin slices. Peel the garlic cloves and crush with a garlic press.
Put the cooked noodles and mushrooms in the baking pan. Rinse the sh under cold, run-
ning water and pat dry with paper towel. Stu the sh with the ginger, garlic and remaining
spring onions and place diagonally on the noodles. Brush the skin with peanut oil.
Stir together the soy sauce, sugar and rice wine and drizzle over the sh.
Steam as indicated.
Arrange the blanched spring onions over the sh and serve with noodles and
Serves 4