Design Guide

The cutout width for side-by-side installations is dened by adding together the dimensions of two single columns. Below are the dimensions
of a classic 48" side-by-side, with an 18" freezer on the left and a 30" refrigerator on the right.
48" SxS
(18" freezer + 30" refrigerator)
A: Area for running the water line. It is recommended the
water-box be placed adjacent to the installation cutout,
so that it can be accessed for service without uninstalling
the appliance. If this is not possible, place the recessed
water box adjacent to the power supply socket elevated
at the heights as referenced in areas A+B.
B: Area for installing the power connection
D: Opening depth of cutout, depending on kitchen design
(24" minimum)
IMPORTANT: Just as with stand-
alone columns, always ensure that
the receptacles and the water line are
correctly positioned. For dimensional
requirements see page 234.