Installation Instructions

Table Of Contents
service Commands
E-DOC-CTC-20071119-0004 v1.0
service host delete
Delete a service.
service host delete name = <{ABC (Another Bittorent Client)|Age
of Empires|Age of Mythology|AIM BitTorrent|
Black and White|Call of Duty|Call of Duty
- UnitedOffensive|CarbonCopy32|Castle
Wolfenstein|Championship Manager 03-04|
Checkpoint FW1 VPN|Command and Conquer
Generals|Command and ConquerZero Hour|Counter
Strike|Cu-SeeMe Cornell|Cu-SeeMe White
Pine 3.1.2and 4.0|Dark Reign 2|Delta Force|
Destroyer Command|Diablo II|DirectConnect|
DirectX 7|DirectX 8|...}>
name The name of the service. REQUIRED