Operation Manual

5.4.1 Receiver Information
This menu displays relevant receiver information like the Receiver Model, Software version,
Signature, and our website www.thomsonstb.net.
1. In Tools menu, select Receiver Information and press OK to open receiver information.
2. Press EXIT/SORTIE to leave.
5.4.2 Game
This menu allows you to play games (Tetris, Snake and Othello) on this receiver.
1. Select Game in Tools menu and press OK to enter the game menu.
2. Use
p/q to select a desired game, and press OK to enter the game. Highlight Start and
press OK to start the game. For changing levels highlight Setup and use the
t/u buttons.
3. Press EXIT/SORTIE to quit the game.
Press OK during a game to pause playing.
5.4.3 Load Factory Default
This option allows you to reset the receiver to factory settings, which clears all stored channels
and settings.
This option will permanently delete all your settings and channel lists and set your receiver
to factory default! Please use with caution.
1. Enter Tools menu, select Load Factory Default and press OK. You are asked to input your
2. Input the correct password using the numeric buttons (the default password is “0000”). A
confirmation window will be displayed.
3. Select Yes to return back to factory settings and clear all channels. Select No to cancel.
4. Press EXIT/SORTIE to exit.
5.4.4 Software Upgrade
1. Enter Tools menu, select Software Upgrade and press OK. The Software Upgrade menu is
2. Use
p/q to select Upgrade by Storage and press OK. You are asked to input the
3. Input the correct password (the default password is 0000). The Software Upgrade
submenu will be opened.* Then select the correct software file and press OK to start. A
message will be displayed to confirm the update process. Select Yes to confirm or No to
4. Press EXIT/SORTIE button to leave.
the Software Upgrade menu will open only if a properly formatted USB storage device is
connected to the receiver.
WARNING: After an update the receiver restarts automatically! During this process NEVER disconnect
the receiver from the mains or switch OFF the power! This can damage your receiver and will void the
NOTE: This receiver is equipped with an over the air update function, which might not be
operational in your broadcast region. For further details visit our website www.thomsonstb.net or contact your
local Service line.