Use and Care Manual

Note: Automatic braking is not instantaneous and will engage within
1/2 a wheel turn once the scooter has stopped.
Emergency Braking
In the unlikely event of an unwanted movement of the scooter or other
emergency, switching off the key switch will bring the scooter to a stop.
Though very effective, emergency braking is extremely abrupt and
must never be used under normal circumstances.
Letting go of the throttle lever will slow the scooter to a controlled stop.
Switching off
The scooter must always be switched off at the key switch.
When the scooter is stowed or not in use for a long period of time,
always charge the batteries for 12 hours and then disconnect the battery
pack before storing. If the scooter is to be stored for a long period of time
remove the fully charged battery packs and store, at or near room
temperature, out of freezing conditions i.e. greater than 0°C.
Use on the footpath
When using your scooter on the footpath
always be aware of pedestrians and situations
which might require extra care. For example,
young children and pets. Remember,
especially when driving in public places, to
drive with caution
and regard for others at all times. When
maneuvering in confined areas, including
shops, ensure the minimum speed is selected
(Photo 12.4). If you leave your scooter outside
a shop ensure that it does not obstruct the
footpath or vehicular
Always switch off and take your key with you.
Crossing roads
Your scooter is not capable of mounting and dismounting kerbs and
other obstacles in excess of 45mm.
Remember before crossing the road, drive forwards and position the
scooter at 90°to the road, stopping about 30 - 60cm (1 - 2 feet) away from
the edge of the footpath .Check that it is clear to cross. Select a medium to
high speed setting and when safe to do so, drive across without stopping.
Note: Heavier users will require higher speed settings.