- TOPFIELD Digital Satellite Receiver Personal Video Recorder User Guide TF 6000 PVR

80 Accessing The Digital Receiver
Whenever a new dynamic IP address is assigned to the router,
it will inform the DDNS service provider of the new IP ad-
dress. This makes it possible that you access the router with a
domain name at any time.
9.2 Configuring the digital receiver
You should configure the WLAN settings to enable the web
service and FTP service. You had better refer to the manual of
your router for understanding of technical terminology.
IP configuration
Select the Installation > LAN
Setting > IP Configuration
You may assign a dynamic IP address to the digital receiver.
To do so, set the DHCP option to On. You can view the dy-
namic IP address assigned to the digital receiver by your router
at the WLAN Status menu.