- Microsoft Word - BlueFlyers Manual

13. Why does the BlueFlyers unit reboot itself?
Be sure the Bluetooth transmitter is properly connected to the base unit. If
the software cannot find the transmitter, it will reboot to try to correct the
The BlueFlyers’ logs can be reviewed for information about the unit’s specific
14. Why doesn’t the unit connect to the network after I plug in the Ethernet
The Ethernet cable needs to be connected to unit when it is powered on.
Ethernet is only configured when the unit is booting.
15. What is your logo?
Bluetooth was named after a late tenth century king, Harald Bluetooth King of
Denmark and Norway. The Bluetooth logo merges the runes analogous to
the letters H and B. Following their lead, the BlueFlyers logo adds the rune
for the letter F after the Bluetooth logo.