User`s guide

TEW-714TRU User’s Guide System Conguration
© Copyright 2013 TRENDnet. All rights reserved.
Default Key : You may choose one of your 4 dierent
WEP keys from below
Encrypon Key 1-4 : You may enter four dierent WEP keys.
Select a key type from the drop-down list.
Keys are dened by entering in a string in
HEX (hexadecimal - using characters 0-9,
A-F) or ASCII (American Standard Code for
Informaon Interchange - alphanumeric
characters) format. ASCII format is
provided so you can enter a string that is
easier to remember
WPA, WPA2, Mixed WPA and WPA2
WPA2 is currently the most advanced wireless encrypon.
Choose this opon if all of your devices support WPA2.
Otherwise choose WPA or WPA & WPA2 mixed
WPA Algorithm : Select TKIP, AES, or Mixed. This is the
encrypon algorithm used to secure
data communicaon. TKIP (Temporal Key
Integrity Protocol) provides per-packet
key generaon and is based on WEP. AES
(Advanced Encrypon Standard) is a very
secure block based encrypon. Note that,
if the bridge uses the AES opon, the
bridge can associate with the access point
only if the access point is also set to use
only AES�
WPA pass phrase : The pass-phrase is up to 63 alphanumeric
characters in ASCII (American Standard
Code for Informaon Interchange) format
at both ends of the wireless connecon. It
cannot be shorter than eight characters,
although for proper security it needs to
be of ample length and should not be a
commonly known phrase. This phrase is
used to generate session keys that are
unique for each wireless client
WPA key renewal
interval :
Specify how oen the wireless key
should be renegoated. Shorter me
intervals are more secure, but cause more
overhead.(default: 3600 seconds/ 1 hour)