Use and Care Manual

Winter Green Smoothie:
1 cup apple juice
1 banana
1 Tbs soaked flax seeds or flax oil
2 mint leaves
1- 2 tsp. green powder (barley green is great)
Blend 30 - 45 seconds - or to desired smoothness.
II. Savory Soups
Can be made room temperature, chilled, or warmed. When making a warm soup,use
warm liquids.
Caution: warm works better than hot, as the hot tends to expand during blending and can
leek out the container.
Basic recipe:
• 1/2 - 1 cup warm or hot liquid of choice
• 1/2 avocado (or other creamy ingredient: e.g. tahini, nut butter, milk, tofu, yogurt, cottage
cheese, cream cheese, oils, or kefir) (maximum fresh or frozen in 1" pieces)
• 1/4 cup of other fresh or frozen vegetable
• 1 Tbs. of protein powder (or green powders)
Optional ingredients:
Source of EFA (essential fatty acids) from flax oil, hemp oil or seeds, or soaked chia seeds
• 1 Tbs. of nut or seed butter (e.g. sesame 'butter' = tahini, almond / hemp / peanut /
hazelnut / macadamia / cashew / or pumpkin butter.
Liquid choices:
Desired amount: 1/2 - 1 Cup liquid of choice:
(Note if more than 1 1/4 cup of liquid is used blender can overflow and might leak out
during the blending process)
- Carrot juice (or any vegetable juice of your choice)
- Yogurt (soy or dairy)
- Milk (regular or dairy, soy or lactose free)
- Tofu (blend into liquid first w/ 1/8 cup water)
- Water
Vegetable choices:
• Desired amount: 1/5 - 1/3 cup of fresh or frozen vegetables
(Note: maximum amount of vegetable is 1 2 cup, adjust liquid levels to fit into blender
• Most fresh vegetables in season that you like can be used for savory soups.
• Recommended vegetables include:Tomatoes, Green peas, Cucumber, Celery, Cauliflower,