Installation Guide

Evolutions, LLC 175 Cumberland Park Drive phone 866-966-TURF
Suite 101 fax -904 827 9426 St. Augustine, FL 32095
Turf Layout and Seaming
1. Place turf on the finished base and line up one edge of the turf
with the edge of the base. If no seam is needed, stake the
perimeter with landscape spikes and begin the infill process.
2. If a seam is required, line up both pieces of turf making sure the
fibers of both pieces are pointing in the same direction. Use PL
Premium Construction Adhesive found at most home
improvement stores.
3. Line up vertical seam, not allowing any more than a 1/8” gap,
cut off extra backing from each side and place a 24” piece of geotextile on the stone base to be seamed to.
4. Using marking pen or crayon, draw a line where the two pieces
of turf will meet and spread glue 3-4” on both sizes of marked
line. Use spatula to spread glue evenly and smoothly.
5. Once geotextile and glue is in place, roll back each piece of turf,
making sure not to bury or glue down fibers. Once turf is down,
walk down seam making sure there are no wrinkles or bubbles.
6. Once seam is complete, place bags of sand, end to end, down the
seam to insure the turf stays in place until the glue dries.
7. Once seams are complete, cut the outside shape, using a carpet or utility knife, and nail down the turf using
6” landscape spikes.
Infilling the Turf
1. Before you begin infilling green, make sure all wrinkles are pulled out from turf
2. Fill hopper of spreader and apply two layers of sand to turf.
3. Using broom, brush turf to ensure sand goes to the bottom of turf. Be sure to brush until all fibers are
standing being very careful not to bury any fibers.
4. Fill hopper with rubber (if needed) and apply to turf. Repeat Steps 3 and
4. Make sure that no fibers are buried throughout process.
5. For TruGrass 700, the top of the infill layer should be slightly lower then
the height of the thatch fibers.
6. After the infill is in place, brush or broom fibers until they are standing
7. Take care to remove any debris or small rocks from the turf surface once
all infill is in place.
8. For additional security, stake the edge of the turf to the ground with
landscape spikes.