System information

Working in FileCabinet CS
26 FileCabinet CS WalkThrough
5. Click and hold the left mouse button at one corner of the area you want to
highlight. Drag the cursor across the area until it is highlighted, and release the
left mouse button. You can resize or move the highlighting later, if necessary.
To change the color of the highlighting, right-click the annotation, choose
Current Annotation Properties, click the Color button, choose a color in the
Color dialog, and click OK twice.
To move a highlighter annotation, click and drag the annotation to a new
To resize a highlighter annotation, click the annotation and then click and
drag any of the handles around the perimeter of the annotation.
Text annotations
Follow these steps to add a text annotation.
The FCSSAMPLE drawer is open with the US Tax Return selected.
1. Select Future Depreciation Report Cleaning Services from the drop-down
list in the FileCabinet CS toolbar.
2. Right-click the Watch window and choose Typed Text.
3. Click the image and, while holding down the left mouse button, drag the pointer
until the annotation is the size you want. (You can resize the annotation later, if
necessary, using the same method as for highlighter annotations.)
4. Enter text in the text box, such as This is a text annotation.