System information

FileCabinet CS WalkThrough 45
Additional Features
In this section, we will explore additional FileCabinet CS features, including settings
to customize your interaction with the program and settings that apply globally to all
FileCabinet CS users in your company. In addition, we will explore the integration
between FileCabinet CS and NetClient CS.
User preferences
To set the following options for an individual user or workstation, choose Setup >
User Preferences, and click either the Drawer List or Misc tab.
Automatically share display area: Mark this checkbox to have the Watch
window automatically expand to use the entire FileCabinet CS display area
when you place your mouse pointer in the Watch window. Move the mouse
pointer all the way to the left to expand the Folders window to its previous size.
Present drawers sorted by name: By default, FileCabinet CS sorts drawers
by drawer ID. To have your drawers sorted by name, mark this checkbox.
Hide drawer names in the drawer list: When the drawer list is sorted by
drawer ID, mark this checkbox to hide drawer names in the drawer list.
Sort date-specific folders and documents in descending order: When you
expand a drawer in the Folders window, date-specific folders appear in
ascending order (the most recent dates appear at the bottom of the list) by
default. Mark this checkbox to have FileCabinet CS display date-specific folders
and documents that include an actual date in their name, in descending order
(the most recent dates appear at the top of the list).
Hide document folders based on period end date: As the years progress,
you will undoubtedly store many years worth of data within FileCabinet CS. You
may not need to view information from all years when you are in the program.
This option allows you to hide documents that are stored in a folder with a
period end date older than the specified date. When you mark this checkbox,
FileCabinet CS prompts you for the desired period end date. This option works
for program-defined folders and for user-defined folders created in the Setup >
System Configuration dialog. User-defined folders eligible to be hidden must
have names beginning with a date in MM/YYYY or YYYY format. To view
hidden documents, click the Hidden documents folder in the Folders window.
FileCabinet CS recognizes folders created with other CS Professional Suite
applications as date specific by default. For more information on using date-