System information

FileCabinet CS WalkThrough 1
This walkthrough will provide you with a basic understanding of FileCabinet CS.
Because this walkthrough is relatively brief, we cannot show you all of the features
and capabilities of the program. However, once you have completed the
walkthrough, you will have a good understanding of the basic features of
FileCabinet CS.
The paperless office becomes a reality
If you calculated the amount of money, time, and effort that go into storing,
maintaining, and retrieving documents, you would be amazed. We estimate that an
average accounting firm serving 500 clients can easily spend more than $28,000
per year on paper filing, storage, and retrieval. However, the value of the paperless
office is more than just the amount of money saved. The real value is the amount of
time you save, how much more productive you are, and how much better you serve
your clients when you have instant access and email capabilities for all of your
documents with FileCabinet CS.