System information

FileCabinet CS WalkThrough 55
The Winning Combination
During this walkthrough, we introduced you to many of the innovative features of
FileCabinet CS. In this section, we explain other important aspects of your
application investment. When you choose FileCabinet CS to organize your
documents, you not only get the most innovative storage application you open
the door to additional substantial timesaving opportunities.
Comprehensive integration: FileCabinet CS integrates with Client
Bookkeeping Solution, Engagement CS, Financial Analysis CS, Fixed Assets
CS, GoSystem Tax, Payroll CS, Planner CS, Practice CS, Trial Balance CS,
ToolBox CS, UltraTax CS, Accounting CS, Write-Up CS, and Workpapers CS
in short, virtually every CS Professional Suite application, including NetClient
CS. You can also store documents from non-CS Professional Suite applications
with your other documents. This means that you can store all of your
documents electronically for each drawer in a single, convenient location, and
retrieve them with ease.
Support and services: Our professional computer, accounting, and tax
support staff provides prompt answers to your questions so that you can
continue with your work. We also have a variety of training options available to
allow you to choose the training that best suits your firms needs. These options
include seminars in major cities and web-based training courses in which you
participate in an online training session with a CS training representative and
other CS Professional Suite users across the country.
During the busy tax season our support staff is available for extended hours.
Other optional services, such as the web-based ARNE community (the
Accountants Resource Network) and an annual users’ conference help you find
answers to your questions by providing a means to communicate with
Our users know the emphasis we place on keeping our promises, whether it is
a promise to stay with you until your question is fully answered or to deliver
quality applications on time. We know that you depend on us to serve you. We
also depend on you. We seek your advice, solicit your reactions, and use your
input to improve all of our products and services.