PPE Picto gram s :
Talc, Magnesium silicate hydrate :
Guide line AC GIH: TLV-TW A: 1 m g/m 3 Respirable fra ction (R )
Guide line O SHA: PEL-TWA: 20 m p pcf
Ethylene glycol :
Guide line AC GIH: TLV-STEL: C 100 m g /m 3 (H)
Titanium dioxide :
Guide line AC GIH: TLV-TW A: 10 m g/m 3
Phys ical Sta te: Liquid.
Colo r: White
Odor: Slight.
Odor Thresho ld: Not a p plicable .
Boiling Po int: >99°F (>37°C)
Me lting Po int: Not a pp lica b le .
De nsity: 9.96
Solubility: Not a p plicable .
Vapor De ns ity: Not a pplicable .
Vapor Press ure: Not a p plicable .
Evapo ra tio n Ra te : Not a p plicable .
pH: 7 - 10
Visco sity: 50-140
Coefficie nt o f W a ter/O il
Distributio n:
Not a p plicable .
Flam m ability: Not a p plicable .
Flash Point: None .
VO C C o nte nt: Ma teria l VO C: 29 gm /L(Includ e s Wate r)
Coating VO C.:90 gm /L(Exclude s Wa te r)
Che m ical Stability: Sta ble unde r norm a l te m p e ra tures and p ressures.
Hazardous Polym e rization: Not reported.
Conditio ns to Avo id: Heat, fla m e s , incom pa tible m ate rials , a nd free zing or te m peratures b e low 32 deg. F.
Incom pa tible Ma te ria ls: Ox idizing agents. Strong a cids and a lk a lis.
Ethylene glycol :
Eye: Adm inistration into the eye - Ra t Sta ndard Draize test: 0.012 %/3 D [Not reported.]
Adm inistration into the eye - Ra bbit Sta ndard Draize test: 500 m g/24 H [Mild]
Adm inistration into the eye - Ra bbit Sta ndard Draize test: 100 m g/1H [Mild]
Adm inistration into the eye - Ra bbit Sta ndard Draize test: 0.012 ppm /3D [Not re porte d.]
Adm inistration into the eye - Ra bbit Sta ndard Draize test: 1440 m g/6H [Mode rate ] (R TECS)
Sk in: Adm inistration onto the sk in - R a bbit LD50 - Le tha l d o se, 50 pe rcent k ill: 9530 uL/k g [De ta ils of to x ic
effe cts no t rep o rte d o the r than le thal dose value ] (R TECS)
Inge stio n: Oral - Rat LD50 - Lethal do se , 50 pe rcent k ill: 4700 m g/k g [De tails o f tox ic effe cts no t reported othe r
than le tha l dose value ] (R TECS)
Titanium dioxide :
Chronic Effe cts: C a uses d a m a g e to orga ns through prolo nged or re pea te d ex posure to particula tes or p o wde r.
Norm a l a p plica tion proce dures for this p roduct p o se no haza rd a s to the rele ase of re spira ble tita nium
dio x ide dust.
Carcino g e nicity: IAR C : Group 2 B: Possibly carcinoge nic to hum a ns. Ba se d on Inha la tio n studie s in rats ex posed to fine
or ultrafine p a rticle s (dust) of titanium dio x ide.
Ecoto x icity: No e coto x icity da ta was found for the prod uct.
Product: Solid Color Concrete Stain White Base No. 800 | Manufacturer: BEHR Process Corporation | Revison:2/29/2016, Version:0
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