Can I place any COLORS
Dry Back Floor
model on any surface?
Of course.! You can choose any model for any area you want, simply: "create
your environment according to your personality".
To which surfaces can I adhere COLORS
Dry Back Floor?
After add the glue, it adheres to almost every surface: cement, plywood, old tiles.
Who knows how to install COLORS
Dry Back Floor?
It can be installed by anyone. Also, on the back of each box are a simple
Which area can I cover with one box? and which are the plank measures?
plank measures=6 X 36 in.
Planks per box: 30
1 box Covers= 45 sq.ft.
Dry Back Floor
cause allergies?
Absolutely no! COLORS
Dry Back Floor
is totally antiallergenic, since its surface is
not porous, it eliminates the possibility of dust mites and its laminate creates an
excellent anti-fungal barrier. This product has no ink smell.
Dry Back Floor
have a textured feel to it? Is it matte or shiny?
All our floor models are embossed and textured and it have a matte finish.