Owner's Manual (Complete)

Chapter 10—Programs and the Visual Programmer
26 The Home Control Assistant
Change icon
The change icon element is one of the more complex elements. It allows you change the icon for
any device, program, or group and/or the text below that icon.
With this dialog box, you can either select which icon to use and its representation (on, off, dim),
the text below the icon, or both the icon and the text.
1. Select the device, program, or group to change.
2. Select the icon you want to
3. Click the button for the icon image that you want—On, Off, or Dim.
4. When you are satisfied, click OK.
This is a good element to use when you have special needs for a program. For example, you have
a program that you run to change the current schedule to be the “I’m not home” schedule. You
start this program directly before you leave home. Wouldn’t it be nice if the icon you see on the
display after this program is run is a picture of a little house with dark windows? You would know
immediately which schedule was current!
Hint: You can embed HCA expressions in the text. See the chapter on expressions and the
expression builder.