Owner's Manual (Complete)

Chapter 10—Programs and the Visual Programmer
28 The Home Control Assistant
Daily Message
The Daily message element creates another daily message that shows in a text display.
The properties for this element are:
1. In the box under
Message text, type the text you want to see in the message.
The message appears exactly as you type it.
This operation dims a device or group. It is a little more complex than the On and Off elements.
First select the device you want to dim the set the illumination level.
There are four ways to dim a device (or group):
The first way is to set the illumination layer—100% is full bright and 0% is full dim.
The second way reduces the illumination level by a percentage.
The third way increases the illumination level by a percentage.
If the device supports advanced dimming you can select the dim level to go to.
Using a percentage works, regardless of how many dim levels the device supports.
The percentage you select converts to a number of dim levels using this formula:
Dim levels = (supported dim levels)
(percentage you entered)