Owner's Manual (Complete)

Chapter 10—Programs and the Visual Programmer
The Home Control Assistant 31
1. Use this dialog box to select a flag you already have created, or type the name for a new one.
Once you create a new flag, it appears in the Flags inventory.
The properties for a flag are its name, its current value (Yes or No), and the value that HCA should
assign to the flag when HCA first loads your design. To inspect the flag’s properties open the Flag
Viewer from the View menu.
This element sends an On command to a device or group or starts another program with an On
Click the arrow at the right of the box, and from the list you select the device or group you want to
turn on.
Some kinds of devices will show additional parameters for you to select in the ON element
You can also use this element to start another program by selecting it from the list. If you do this,
the first program starts the second program, and then continues to its next element. The two
programs run concurrently (at the same time).
This element sends an off command to a device or group, or starts another program with an Off
command. Its properties dialog box looks very similar to the On properties.
From the list, select the device or group you want to turn off.
Some kinds of devices will show additional parameters for you to select in the OFF element