Owner's Manual (Complete)

Chapter 12 - Scripts
4 The Home Control Assistant
dim ith
dim i
i = 1
do while (ith > 0)
if (Weekday(date) = vbMonday) then
if (ith = 0) then exit do
end if
i = i + 1
Dim rc
if (i = d) then
rc = 1
rc = 0
end if
HCA.Flag.Set "rcScript", rc
Set HCA = Nothing
This is a test that HCA can’t perform with the Visual Programmer Test element.
Helpful Tool
Included in HCA is a helpful tool in working with scripts. The feature is normally hidden a bit as
it wouldn’t make sense to HCA users not working with scripts. To expose this tool, select from the
menu HCA – Properties and choose the
Extra tab and enter the code OBJUSE. Once yo have
done that, then to open the Object Use Log, check the
Remote Access Viewer button in the ribbon
Home category.
When open log shows all the calls to any HCA object and method as well as its parameters and if
the method generates an error, it shows that as well.