Owner's Manual (Complete)

Chapter 13—Displays
14 The Home Control Assistant
New—Submenu with choices for Device, Program, and Group. This starts the appropriate wizard
setup to place an icon for the new object on this display.
Line Up Icons—use this to tidy things up after you’ve been dragging icons around; it lines them
up to the nearest grid position.
Auto Arrange—this is a toggle. When checked, it is on, and when you uncheck it, you turn it off.
This option is helpful when you are re-sizing the HCA window or display pane: when on, it
eliminates, if possible, the need for any scroll bars. When Auto Arrange is not on, and you resize
the HCA window, scroll bars may be necessary, and are displayed.
Hint: If you disable Auto Arrange, and create your own ordering and layout by dragging icons
around, HCA preserves this arrangement when you save and reload your design. If you are
familiar with the Windows Explorer, HCA uses the same methods for dragging and
dropping icons to create your own order. When Auto Arrange mode is off, you can create
any layout you want. The icons don’t have to be in a simple rectangular grid.
Lock Icons—if the display is locked then you can’t move or rearrange your icons. This can be
useful once you have everything the way you want and you want to prevent unintended movement
of the icons.
Properties—displays the properties dialog box for the display
You can add as many icons as necessary to this display, and arrange or rearrange them as
If you right click on an icon, a popup menu appears containing options appropriate to that type of
In this case the popup menu is for a device. The On, Off, Dim, Delete, and properties commands
are obvious. The Suspend command is described in the chapter on schedules.
If the device supports stored scenes, any scenes you have created for the device appears in the
popup menu between the On and Off commands.
The Schedule command starts the Schedule Entry Wizard for this device.