Owner's Manual (Complete)

Chapter 13—Displays
The Home Control Assistant 15
The icon command allows you to create, remove, and change the icons for this device. This is
very useful if you want to place icons for lights on a display and in your home there are multiple
lights that are controlled from one switch. In this case you create one device to control them all,
but you may want to see multiple icons on your display.
The Locate in Design Pane causes HCA to select in the design pane the device, program, or group
for the icon. This can be useful when you have a large design and you don’t remember what folder
it is in.
Show Log is a quick way to check the log for any entries about the device, program, or group you
selected Show Log on. The Log is described in Chapter 11 on the troubleshooter.
Similar popup menus exist for programs and groups.
If you are working with a picture background you can also choose to display the labels below the
icons or not to display the labels.
Multi-Select Operations
If you have more than one icon selected in the display pane, the choice in the popup menu changes.
The only options available for a multi-selection are On, Off, Suspend, Show Log, and Properties.
Multi-On and Multi-Off control each of the selected items On or Off. Multi-Suspend suspends or
resumes each selected item.
Multi-Show Log is like Show Log in that the log viewer is opened and it is automatically filtered to
show only log entries for any of the selected items.
Multi-Properties opens the property dialog for the icon you right-clicked on. The edit of this
object creates a change log and applies that log to all the other members of the selection where it
makes sense.
For example, suppose you are editing an X10 device and change some X10 options, those changes
are not replicated into a UPB device that was part of the selection. But a change in the logging
options on the X10 device would be replicated to the UPB device.
It is important to remember that only those properties you change matter. Multi-select properties
does not make all the items exactly the same!
Hint: Multi-select is not supported on DXF displays.