Owner's Manual (Complete)

Chapter 14—Visual Scene Editor
2 The Home Control Assistant
Note these elements of the VSE display:
When the Visual Scene Editor is open, an extra category appears in the ribbon with
commands used to control the VSE.
What displays above the gray “scene” box is the initiator of the scene. In this example, a
What displays below the “scene” box are responders to the scene.
The name of the scene – either one that you entered or one that HCA made up – displays
below the “scene” box and on the tab at the bottom of the display pane. In this example
the scene name is “Bedtime Scene”.
The lines drawn from all the responders to the scene name and from the scene name to the
scene controller are there to help you visualize that all these devices are connected
You may need to drag the HCA window larger to see the entire scene. When you change
the HCA window size you can ask that the VSE display be redrawn. Press the Redraw
button in the ribbon.
Below each responder is text showing the level the device is controlled to and the rate at
which that control happens. For example, the “Home - Switch” goes on to 100% with a
ramp rate of .1 seconds. This text displays in blue if the device has been previously
programmed and red if the programming has not yet been made.
You can right-click on a device and a popup menu displays.
There could be one or more tabs at the bottom of the display pane. Depending upon how
you started the VSE, you may see one or more than one tab. More on this in a later
Adding responders to a scene
Using the VSE is very similar to many other HCA tools. To add a new device to a scene all you
need do is to drag it from the design pane and drop it into the scene. At that point in time a popup
dialog allows you to set the properties of that device in the scene. For example, dragging a
LampLinc or SwitchLinc displays this dialog:
In the dialog you specify the level and the rate. If you want to see what that level looks like, you
can check the “Adjust device to match level selected” box. This causes HCA to send dim/bright
commands to the device as you change the level. You may not want to do this if you are building a
scene late at night and you don’t want to disturb family members.