Owner's Manual (Complete)

Chapter 15—Power Track
The Home Control Assistant
Displays and Graphs
In addition to using the graphing buttons in the ribbon, you can also create displays that show
graphs. This can be advantageous when working with the Control Interface as you can then have
icons on a page that open a graph.
To create a graph display, use the new Graph Wizard. At step 2 of the wizard choose either the
current power graph – in which case there are no options – or the historical power graph:
Select the graph source – room, device, or “Everything”, and one of the time period choices.
Once you have that graph display defined, selecting it in the design pane or clicking on the icon for
it in the display pane opens that graph.
Insteon Power Meter
The Insteon Power Meter is also supported for Power Track. This device provides an actual
measurement of a device’s power usage over time. Using it you can get power usage data for
devices that are not part of your automation solution – like televisions, refrigerators, etc.
The device is supported by periodically reading the data from it and saving it in a power track file.
After you add the device using any of the methods for adding devices, open its properties and
select the Power Track page.