Owner's Manual (Complete)

Chapter 16—Troubleshooter
12 The Home Control Assistant
Select entries for devices:
If you want to limit the entries you see in the log display to only selected devices, programs,
groups, and controllers, check this option. Then using the two lists move what you want to the
right hand list. The option buttons on the left control what sort of things you see in the left
hand list.
Select entries by date and time:
To select entries created during a range of dates or times, check this option and then choose
the selection type and the date/time range.
Sort By:
To control how the log entries are ordered in the log viewer when this filter is active, select
the column to sort and in what direction.
In this example, a filter called
Dining room recent is being created. Two devices are selected and
only entries logged in the last hour are selected. When this filter is active the log viewer shows
only entries for those two devices and only entries logged in the last hour.
Show Log
Device, Programs, Groups, and Controllers have a right-click popup menu pick called ShowLog.
What this does is to create a filter for showing just that object (or objects if there is a multiple
selection) and opens the log viewer with that filter. This allows you to quickly focus in on one
object and see what the log contains for it. These special ShowLog filters are temporary and are
deleted when the log viewer is closed.
Technical support
The Technical Support tool provides Internet links to the HCA support web site and email links
you can use to ask our technical support staff questions.
These links operate in the same manner as your Internet browser when viewing a page on the
Internet. To follow a link, use the left mouse button and click on the link. Your internet browser
will start, and after an Internet connection is made, the page is shown.
The other Log Viewer
One problem with the troubleshooter is that it is large and you can’t work with other features of
HCA while it is open.
HCA provides a simpler log viewer with some very nice properties. It can remain on the screen
while you do other things, can be made small to take up little screen space, and like the
troubleshooter log viewer it updates as new entries are added. What it can’t do is to define new
Filters. That can only be done from the Troubleshooter. However, it can use all filters that have
already been defined.
To open this Log Viewer check the
Log checkbox on the ribbon Home category.