Owner's Manual (Complete)

Chapter 2—HCA Properties
The Home Control Assistant
Visual Programmer
The Visual Programmer is the tool used in HCA to create programs. Programs are a sequence of
actions that happen in response to some event. Visual Programs are composed of over 50 different
types of actions. Most are general purpose and some are very specific to certain automation
interfaces. Working with so many different actions can be daunting. This tab allows you to
customize the list of elements that you want to work with and the order they appear in the Visual
The left column shows those elements that aren’t shown in the Visual Programmer, and the right
column shows those elements that are and the order in which they appear.
To move an element between the two columns just select it and use the
and buttons. To
move all from one column to the other use the >> and << buttons.
To change the order in the right column, select the element and use the
Move Up and Move Dn
Hint: If you are new to the Visual Programmer and are wondering what this is all about, think of
the Visual Programmer as a Paint program. The elements you have here are the colors in
your palette. This tab of HCA properties allows you to choose which colors are on your
palette from all available choices.