Owner's Manual (Complete)

Chapter 24—Client Server
2 The Home Control Assistant
First some words about security
Before even describing how to use the HCA Server and connect a client it is important to first
consider security.
HCA controls real things in your home and you should do whatever it takes to limit that control
to authorized users.
Using client-server you can expose your home automation design to external access. You may
want to do this so you can access your home from anyplace – from your work computer or a laptop
when on the road - and control devices and programs. But if you can do that, anybody can do that
unless you work to prevent it!
There are many ways to limit access and you should use all of them:
You should choose a non-default port number.
You should assign a remote access password to your home design.
You should enable any password protection features that your router may provide.
Remember: HCA controls real things in your home and you should do whatever it takes to limit
that control to authorized users. Security is your responsibility!
Using the HCA Server
Before you can use the HCA Server you have to configure it. All server configuration is
performed from the HCA – Properties dialog. This means that even if you want to run only the
HCA Server on a computer you must install and run HCA at least once.
To configure the server open
HCA Options.
As the dialog says, some of the sections configure the server, some the client, and some configure
both. The parameters that configure the server are:
Communication happens between the client and the server using a designated port number.
You can choose any port number you would like.
Reload on startup
You can direct the HCA Server to reload your design file when it starts. This is similar to the
reload option in stand-alone HCA on the startup tab.