Owner's Manual (Complete)

Chapter 24—Client Server
The Home Control Assistant
Note: If you are running the client and the server on the same computer, useful for testing or if you
have the server running as a Windows Service, when you start HCA it determines that the
HCA Server is running and configures the menu to eliminate all the options for stand-alone
operation: the actions that work with a file directly like File – Open, File – New, etc.
Connect to Server is selected HCA establishes a connection to the server and then requests
your design, configuration settings normally viewed from HCA – Properties, the state of all your
devices, and any log entries generated since you last connected.
And that’s it! You can now interact with your design. To terminate HCA Client just select Exit
from the application menu or click on the close box in the title bar.
Note: As your design is being loaded, any external files that are referenced – DXF files, IR
definition files, icon files, etc are requested from the server and moved to the client. These
files are all stored in the Temp subfolder in your HCA documents area.