Owner's Manual (Complete)

Chapter 26—Web Server
6 The Home Control Assistant
The options on this tab are:
An option to start the Web Server each time HCA starts. When HCA terminates, the web
server is also terminated.
The Port number to use for the web server.
The session timeout allows you to set the session length, in minutes. If a web browser is
open with the web interface and is idle for the session length time, the session will expire.
This prevents users from reusing a session that may have been left open unintentionally.
Web Server parameters. These are described in the Web Server technical note.
Initial display. You can chose a display or folder that forms the “home” page for the Web
Buttons to start and terminate the Web Server.
Security Considerations
Using the web server opens up your home design to remote access. And that can be good! When
“on the road” you can use the internet to get to your home and adjust lighting, temperature, A/V
equipment, or just check status.
The potential problem is that without password control it may be possible for anyone to get access.
There are two methods of adding security to your home design
HCA Design Passwords
As explained in an earlier chapter of this User Guide, you an add passwords to your HCA design.
In brief, the three possible passwords are:
Remote Access password. Before the Web Server can even view your design, this
password must be entered.
Control password. No action – on, off, dim, start program, stop program, execute
schedule entry, etc. may be done without this password being entered.
Design password No change in the design can be made unless this password is entered.
If you are using the Web Server you are strongly urged to add a Remote Access password to your
design. To be even safer, adding a Control password prevents changes even if the remote access
password is compromised.
Hardware Security
In addition to the HCA security, the hardware that connects your home to the internet often has
password facilities built-in. You should investigate them and if supported by your hardware you
should enable them. This will block unauthorized access at the basic connect level.
Web Server – More information
There are a number of parameters and URL options that can be used to tailor the web interface.
These are explained in a technical note on the HCA Support web site.
Also in this technical note are some helpful notes about getting your browser to display your HCA
design in the best possible manner.