Owner's Manual (Complete)

Chapter 3—Your Home
The Home Control Assistant
HCA computes sunrise and sunset based upon the location of your home. But this can’t take into
account if you home is on a hill – sunrise comes earlier than computed – or in a valley – sunrise
comes later.
On this tab of the Home Properties you can provide the number of minutes that sunrise and sunset
should be adjusted. Then in later uses in schedules when you specify sunrise or sunset the time is
computed and then adjusted by the number of minutes specified here.
Security settings
If you have HCA maximized on the display, with the display pane taking the entire HCA window,
you have a pretty nice display. It may be nice enough so that you want to leave the HCA computer
out, and not buried in the basement or in a closet. If you want to have the HCA computer “front
and center” in your home, visitors or inquisitive children may feel compelled to play with it. The
security system is for just this reason—to prevent unintended changes.
The options in this system can help you avoid making inadvertent changes to your design, and can
guarantee that only people with the password can change programs, devices, and groups.
The Security tab is the only tab available in the home Properties dialog box that is not also a part
of the New Home Design Wizard. When you create your new home design, you probably don’t
want to worry about security settings—they’ll only add additional steps while you are working on
your home design.
But once the design is complete, and you have installed your automation gear, created all the
devices for them, created schedules to control them, programs that start from control panels, and it
all works, then you may want to use the security settings. Remember that you need to leave the
computer on all the time—it would be a shame if just anybody could walk up to the computer and
start changing your design. This is when you use the home design properties to assign passwords
to various actions and protect your design.
To create security settings click on the security tab.
You can use the options on this tab to set password security for four different actions: modify
design, control the design, and remote access – the HCA Web Server. Also you can specify the
control user interface password which must be only digits.