Owner's Manual (Complete)

Chapter 7 - Schedules
12 The Home Control Assistant
In the Schedule Properties dialog box, you can change the schedule name, the options for
normal or power failure start up, and which if any parent this schedule belongs to.
There is one additional tab in the schedule properties dialog that is not found in the wizard.
This tab doesn’t change any properties of the schedule but is very useful for making sure that
your schedule does what you expect it to do.
This tab is titled Simulation. In a complex schedule, especially one that is a child of a parent
schedule and one that contains many entries, it can be hard to see just what the schedule does
over time. The Simulation tab will help you with that.
To use the simulation facilities, select a date in the calendar and the number of days to
simulate and press the Simulate button. The dialog then shows, sorted by date and time, how
each device in your home is controlled.