Use and Care Manual

How To Use the Smoker Burner on your Vintage Grill:
Wood Chip Smoker: The wood chip smoker is located between the knobs on the front of your grill. This
feature allows you to add extra flavor to all of your grilled foods by using real wood chips in the smoker
section of your Vintage grill.
Tips: For maximum smoker performance and added flavor to your grilled foods, soak the chips in water
for about 30 minutes, then drain the excess water and fill the smoker tray completely. If the chips are
not thoroughly soaked they can cause a flare up during grilling. If a flare up does occur, pull the drawer
open slowly and add a small amount of water to extinguish the flames.
Ideal temperatures for smoking beef, pork, poultry, fish & seafood, and vegetables is 225-250 degrees
Fahrenheit. Times and internal temperature will vary.
How to Smoke:
1. Fill the smoker tray with your wood chips that have been thoroughly soaked and drained.
2. Light the smoker burner. Close the smoker tray so that it is fully back inside of the grill. Then
close the hood of the grill and set the smoker burner to high heat. Once the hood is closed and
the burner is on smoke, should begin in about 20-30 minutes. One tray full of chips will create
smoke for up to one hour. If you need to extend the grill time, wood chips can be added as
needed to the smoker tray to allow for more smoke. To add more chips to the smoker tray pull
the drawer open partially from the grill and add chips while the grill is in use. Never remove the
hot smoker tray fully from the grill while in use. To optimize the smoke performance while
smoking keep the hood closed as much as possible.
3. Manage temperature to meet the needs of foods being smoked.
4. It is not intended to use the grill burners while smoking with closed grill canopy
tion: Do not smoke meats with Cedar, Cyprus, Elm, Eucalyptus, Fir, Liquid Amber, Pine,
Redwood, Sassafras, Spruce or Sycamore.
Optional Use of Smoker box Infuse flavors by adding Herbs ,Wood Chips and flavor enhancing
juices while grilling
Not interested in smoking? Add water to the smoker box chamber to steam foods on the grill, keeping
meats and veggies moist and nutrient filled.
See chart below for wood types, flavor strengths, flavor profiles, and the ideal meats to use.
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