
Page 15
To obtain a good product, proceed as follows:
. Put flour inside the basin;
. Insert the dough;
. Put flour over the dough.
Using this method, you avoid the dough sticking to the basin and the cover during the pressing and cutting
The following information will help you obtain the best possible results.
The pieces of dough are not the same weight?
. Ensure the piece of dough is positioned at the centre of the basin and is slightly pressed by hand.
. Be sure the dough has the right pre-leavening time
(depending on the dough, but fifteen minutes is normally enough)
. If the outer pieces are smaller than the inner ones, you need to increase the pressing time
. If the outer pieces are bigger than the inner ones, you need to decrease the pressing time
. If the dough is not cut, you need to increase the cutting time
. Check the weight of the dough to cut complies with the capacity of the machine
. With a medium consistency dough, the machine can produce dough pieces that have a weight
change of 3-4%.