User Manual

How to Prepare for Plug and
Play Installation
Check Your System’s Resources
Your modem is a Plug and Play device.
Windows 95 can automatically identify a Plug
and Play device and determine if your system
has the resources necessary to support the
device. However, Plug and Play will not work
if you do not have resources available or if
devices on your system are not reporting
resource usage correctly. Here’s how you can
verify that your system has the necessary
resources before installing the modem.
1. Click the Windows 95 Start button, point
to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
2. Double-click the System icon.
3. When the “System Properties” screen
appears, click the Device Manager tab.
4. Double-click Computer and the
“Computer Properties” screen appears.
5. Select the Interrupt request (IRQ) option
at the top of the screen.
You will see the IRQs your system is currently
using. If IRQs 3, 4, 5, and 7 are being used,
you need to free an IRQ before you begin
installation. This process involves moving a
device from the IRQ you want to use to a
different (and usually higher) IRQ setting.
Please read the documentation for (or contact
the manufacturer of) the device that is
currently using the IRQ you want to use
for your modem to learn more about what