User`s guide

Chapter 3 ________________________________________________________________ Operation
VAISALA _______________________________________________________________________ 47
If precipitation is snow, Prec 1h to 24h values show the liquid
equivalent and Snow 1h to 24h values show the snow thickness. The
values are updated once per hour.
Press on the Statistics screen to get to the first Enhancement screen
MAWS1 Enh/1 13:10
Condition: Mist
Prec. Int: 0.1 mm/h
Lightning 15 min:
Count : 2
Nearest : 2 km
Bearing : 170 deg
RfNoise : N
a ↓↑=Next/Prev
Table 7 First Enhancement Screen Information
Screen Label Measurement Unit SI (US)
Condition Textual representation of the present
weather code from PWD11A. Table 8 on
page 48 lists present weather codes.
METAR PW METAR message present weather code
(see Table 17 on page 63 and Table 18
on page 63).
Prec. Int. Precipitation intensity from PWD11A mm/h (in/h)
Lightning 15 min Last 15 min lightning values
Count Number of lightning strikes in 15 minutes /min
Nearest Distance to nearest lightning strike km (sm)
Bearing Direction to nearest lightning strike deg
RfNoise SA20M skinmap information: N (None), L
(Low), M (Medium), and H (High).