User Manual

User's Guide ______________________________________________________________________
32 ______________________________________________________________________________
5. Place the verifier over the sensor and completely cover it with the
included bag. Pull the bag drawstrings to close it off at the sensor
alignment adapter.
6. Issue five WA commands spaced at least five seconds apart. All
five responses must have P status.
7. Turn off the power through the switch in the power supply before
performing the alignment procedure.
Aligning the Wind Sensor
Magnetic Declination Correction
One transducer arm is permanently marked with an N for north and
another with an S for south.
Wind direction can be referenced to either the true north, which uses the
earth's geographic meridians, or to the magnetic north, which is read
with a magnetic compass. The magnetic declination is the difference in
degrees between the true north and magnetic north. See Figure 12 on
page 33.
Aligning might be easier if you mark the sensor body, for example,
with paint or colored tape, to indicate north and south so that it can be
seen from the ground.