User manual

FAQ for CBECC-Res 2013
Using notepad, create a file that will be saved in the root directory containing CBECC (e.g., c:) named
something.bat. The contents of that file will be one line per file variation:
"C:\Program Files\CBECC-Res 2013\CBECC-Res13.exe" -pa -nogui "C:\Documents and
My Documents\CBECC-Res 2013 Projects\variableA.ribd"
"C:\Program Files\CBECC-Res 2013\CBECC-Res13.exe" -pa -nogui "C:\Documents and
Settings\name\My Documents\CBECC-Res 2013 Projects\variableB.ribd"
"C:\Program Files\CBECC-Res 2013\CBECC-Res13.exe" -pa -nogui "C:\Documents and
Settings\name\My Documents\CBECC-Res 2013 Projects\variableC.ribd"
"C:\Program Files\CBECC-Res 2013\CBECC-Res13.exe" -pa -nogui "C:\Documents and
Settings\name\My Documents\CBECC-Res 2013 Projects\variableD.ribd"
"C:\Program Files\CBECC-Res 2013\CBECC-Res13.exe" -pa -nogui "C:\Documents and
Settings\name\My Documents\CBECC-Res 2013 Projects\variableE.ribd"
Include the quotation marks and spaces which direct the batch file functions. Add or remove lines as
needed. To edit or to execute the file, open Windows Explorer™ and access the c:drive. To edit,
right-click on the file and select edit (which opens notepad). To execute the file, double-click on the
*.bat file. When done, the commend window will display “Press any key to continue . . .” and you
can view the CF1Rs in the projects folder.
5. I noticed when the speed was increased, everything slowed. Is there anything I can do about that?
When the speed was increased, it was set up to use all of a computer’s available resources. This is
most noticeable on cardinal runs, which is conducting 5 runs at the same time. In the near future,
the software team will add the ability for users to have more control over how resources are
allocated. In the meantime, a workaround to free resources for other applications would be to
change the processor affinity for CBECC-Res. This can be done from the Windows task manager by
right clicking CBECC-Res13.exe and selecting "Set Affinity..." from the popup menu. Uncheck any
CPUs on which you do not want CBECC-res to run.
The change to processor affinity is only temporary and will be reset to use all CPUs next time you
start CBECC-Res. If you would like to have the processor affinity set each time you start CBECC-Res,
you can create a shortcut. This link has details
6. Can I take credit for installing a radiant barrier in an addition when using the existing plus addition
compliance approach without upgrading the entire attic to have radiant barrier?
Yes. Model the existing attic with a radiant barrier. The plan is to have multiple attics very soon,
which will allow radiant barrier conditions to be modeled independent of the existing building.
When that occurs, we will issue additional modeling guidance. [Replaced by Question #4 from
7. Can Quality Insulation Installation (QII) be modeled in an existing plus addition?
At this time, you can only model QII if the entire building will meet the criteria (e.g., a gut rehab) and
an existing plus addition analysis is being modeled. There is no way to account for a portion of a