User manual

FAQ for CBECC-Res 2013
FAQs Posted on May 7, 2014
1. When I opened an existing input file, I am getting a message that indicates my file might not run. Is
that true?
2. When a new version of software is approved, how soon do I have to use the new version?
3. If I get a plan check correction and need to go back to an earlier version of the software, is there any
way for me to retrieve an older version from the CBECC-Res web site?
4. Can I have more than one version of CBECC-Res on my computer?
5. Will my results change with the latest software release?
6. I am using Windows 8. Do you know of any issues I should be aware of?
7. Does the software run every 2 minutes? If the weather data is hourly, what is the point?
8. Is it possible to model a building with all cathedral ceilings (no attic)?
9. What are the options for the sources of U-factor and SHGCs allowed by the standards? Specifically,
what is ADFP?
FAQs Posted on March 18, 2014
1. While waiting for a HERS provider to register CF1Rs, is there any harm in removing the watermark
that says the CF1R is “not registered”?
2. Is the value input for the number of stories intended to be the value for the building or the zone?
3. Can you explain azimuth and orientation as used in CBECC-Res for walls/windows?
4. Is there a limit to the length of fields?
FAQs Posted on January 21, 2014
1. Why doesn’t WinType work the way I think it should?
2. Could you explain how CBECC-Res determines the default values so I can take advantage of this
3. Did it get easier to get electric water heating to comply? If so, why?
4. In which zone should I model the walls between the house and the garage?
5. Am I using the latest CF1R version?
6. Can I use the EZFrame calculator in conjunction with CBECC-Res?
FAQs Posted on December 20, 2013
1. Where do I input the documentation author and the Designer/Owner information for the CF1R?
2. Why does the sample file go so far out of compliance when I change it to my climate zone?
3. Will we be able to model other shading devices soon?
4. Do I really need 6 surfaces in every zone?
FAQs Posted on November 20, 2013
1. I’m concerned about the speed of run times in CBECC. Is there a reason we cannot have an option to
run CBECC-Res with reduced weather to speed up the processing time?
2. Regarding Zonal Control, if I specified the building meets zonal control criteria under the building
tab, why is there also a check box on the cooling system screen?
3. What are the watermarks that could potentially appear on the CF1R and how can I get it to change?
4. Is the file needed for uploading a project to HERS generated any time I run an input file? If not, what
do I need to do so that I do not have to re-run a job to get this file?
5. Can I model more than one garage in a single input file?
6. If I’m getting an error with no message, how can I try to figure out the cause?
FAQs Posted on October 23, 2013
1. Can I add materials to CBECC-Res?